About Me

Fourth-year student attending UCLA
Pursuing a Computer Science B.S.

I am an avid computer programmer who loves to build cool and interesting projects. I'm always eager to learn about new technologies and how to use them.

Programming Languages: Python, React, C++/C, Java
Developer Tools: Android Studio, AWS, Git, SVN, TensorFlow, Keras



Software Engineering Intern

June 2020 - September 2020

  • Developed a ticket exports feature that allows clients to export ticket data as CSV or TSV files
  • Implemented character delimiters and filters to export tickets based on various properties, such as ticket owner, status, creation date, and updated date
  • Used React and AWS DynamoDB

Scalable Analytics Institute

Research Assistant

October 2019 - Present

  • Working with Professor Yizhou Sun and a PhD student on a NLP project called TwitterText
  • Analyzing a massive data set of twitter text to extract political polarity from the word embeddings, with the goal of being able to detect inherent political biases in speech and depolarizing the text
  • Implementing and expanding upon advanced word embedding algorithms such as Word2Vec and GloVe


Software Engineering Intern

June 2019 - September 2019

  • Developed a web application designed for companies to control and monitor projects and workflows; it was built dynamically scalable in order to query, load, and display large amounts of data
  • Finished product was marketed and shipped to large companies such as Sony Entertainment
  • Front-end web app developed using Vue.js | Back-end DevTrack RESTful API written in C# and SQL


Software Developer Intern

June 2018 - September 2018

  • Developed new features and APIs along the company’s data pipeline using Python, Java, and Scala, managing connections between a MongoDB, an AWS S3 datalake, and various AWS Glue ETL jobs
  • Developed automated smoke tests and functional unit tests to validate the company’s data pipeline, scheduled to run daily on a Jenkins server
  • Identified and corrected functional bugs, and ensured optimal performance scaling for gigabytes of data


This project is designed to provide background music to solo artists. A website records solo artists singing, and sends back a track with an added percussion track and harmonies. For this project, our team won the award “Best Web Hack”.

Languages Used: Python, C++, HTML/CSS

Pic It

This app is called “Pic It!”, and its purpose is to help a group of friends find a place to eat. The app shows 6 pictures of food to each user, who then selects which food they want to eat. Our servers then determine which food was selected the most, searches for matching nearby restaurants that serves the type of food, and returns a list with the restaurant names and addresses.

Languages Used: Java, Android Studio
Server and Database: Google Firebase
API: Foursquare


Fun game reminiscent of 90's arcade games, featuring a ship that shoots cabbages and turnips at alien ships.

Languages Used: C++


Daily Bruin

Spring Quarter 2018 - Spring Quarter 2019

The Daily Bruin is a club at UCLA that manages the student newspaper. I joined the team ‘prime’, and we are in charge of running, maintaining, and improving the website for The Daily Bruin’s quarterly arts, culture, and lifestyle magazine. We take articles given to us and display them on the website, focusing on making the format of the website clear and accessible.

Languages Used: HTML/CSS, Javascript, Nunjucks

AACF Web Dev

Fall Quarter 2017 - Spring Quarter 2018

This is a club that is designing and making a rides app for AACF with the goal of lessening the workload of ride coordinators. We want to allow students to sign up for rides online through a server, and then organize the students in a database and assign them to cars. To do this, we are using Amazon’s Lambda for our server, and Amazon’s DynamoDB for our database.

Languages Used: Java

Classes Taken

CS 32: Data Abstraction in C++ and Data Structures
CS 33: Computer Systems
CS 35L: Software Construction Lab
CS 174A: Intro to Computer Graphics
CS 111: Operating Systems
CS 131: Programming Languages
CS 180: Algorithms and Complexity
CS 143: Database Systems
CS 118: Computer Network Fundamentals
CS m146: Intro to Machine Learning
CS 161: Artificial Intelligence
CS 188: Computer Security
CS 130: Software Engineering Principles
CS 144: Web Applications